Transforming anger into peace: A Yoga Therapy success story

In the realm of yoga therapy, every journey towards healing is unique and transformative.

Recently, I had the privilege of witnessing a remarkable transformation in one of my clients who has been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for over two decades. Despite the challenges posed by his condition, his journey towards healing has been inspiring.

When his wife Fifi first reached out to me, she painted a candid picture of her husband’s demeanor – describing him as an “angry bird” with a tendency of pushing people away. Living with MS after being diagnosed in his early 40’s had understandably taken its toll, leaving him confined to a wheelchair and grappling with a range of physical and emotional challenges. Yet, despite the warning, I felt compelled to offer my support and guidance on his path to healing.

From our very first session, it was evident that his resistance and moodiness were deeply rooted in his frustration with his condition. However, with patience, empathy, and a tailored approach to yoga therapy, we embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Working within the confines of his wheelchair and bed, we began our sessions with breath-work and gentle joint movements on the parts of the body possible to do so. Slowly and steadily, he started to open up and accepted visualization practices, not long after, he accepted sounding (sound bowl and tuning fork) and with each session subtle shifts were evident. A softening of his demeanor, a glimmer of curiosity, and a growing sense of trust.

Three months into our journey, the transformation was nothing short of remarkable. His wife marveled at the newfound sense of peace radiating from her husband, remarking on his decreased anger and increased sense of gratitude. She even mentioned how during his doctor appointment he spoke about our sessions together and how much he looks forward to them. His doctor even changed his meds to a lower dose as he does not need the higher doses he was taking before we started and his blood sugar levels have been more stable now.

Today he embraces each opportunity to explore the depths of his being and reconnect with his innate sense of wholeness. Through the gentle guidance of yoga therapy, he has discovered a newfound sense of resilience, acceptance and joy – transcending the confines of his physical limitations and embracing the boundless possibilities of his spirit.

Throughout different sessions he would say things like “I didn’t know I could do this” or “this wasn’t possible to do even when I was a child, Huda you are magic”.

This success story serves as a testament to the transformative power of yoga therapy – a holistic approach that honors the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It reminds us that healing is not just about alleviating symptoms and actually about awakening the inherent wisdom and resilience that resides within each of us.

Fifi expressed her relief towards our sessions together because out of all the therapies he has been receiving he enjoys the ones we have together and she did not expect that. She said “we have been married for 25 years and i have been with him through it all, I’ve seen many come and go, you are the only one that stayed with patience”.

As a yoga therapist, I am deeply grateful to have crossed paths with them and even more grateful to have played a small part in his journey towards healing.

May his story serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all those navigating their own path towards wholeness and well-being.

10 thoughts on “Transforming anger into peace: A Yoga Therapy success story”

  1. Oh my God that brought tears to my eyes . Tears of joy and happiness that with ur yoga therapy u were able to help and embark on a healing process easing the frustration and anger towards a better understanding of oneself thus giving hope to others that with patience things will surely be better. So proud of ur achievement God bless u for being a beacon of hope to others 🙏🙏🙏

  2. This story beautifully showcases the transformative power of yoga therapy, it offered a tangible glimpse into its real-world impact and benefits. It’s enlightening for those unfamiliar with yoga therapy’s scope, illustrating how such practices can profoundly affect individuals’ lives. Thank you for sharing it Huda.

  3. Uff what a wonderful story! I’m happy you both crossed paths and he’s found a positive escape in your sessions! Proud of you champ! Who’s crying i’m not crying

  4. “You are magic Huda”
    Truly, I can relate to him so much.
    I used to look forward driving to meet you even though I have panic attacks, you have helped so much with understanding, the ease, peace and trust you provide during the session is remarkable, and I believe you are gifted with it.
    Knowing me and what I’ve been through, I know you know where I’m coming from and how deep.

  5. MashAllah I always said you were a magician 🎩 but this is a whole new LEVEL Allah ya36eech el 3afya and thank you sooo much for making our Lives better, happier and way less stressful both physically and mentally 🙏✌️

  6. Thank you for restoring his self confidence. You showed him he was “able”. You proved to him that despite his decapitating condition, he could still grow and improve where he can. A complete change of mindset following restored trust in his body. Instead of expecting another day of hopelessness, he’s now looking for a future full of possibilities “knowing” he has the potential. You presented him with evidence. You showed him the way. He and his family are blessed to have you.

  7. You truly are magic, Huda. Bless your soul.

    I remember you telling me about this a couple of months ago and I’m so happy to see this journey take a remarkable turn. Well done, kind one. 🙏🏽

  8. God bless you Huda you did an amazing work , honestly yoga is one of the most healing and rewarding experiences in the world..
    ربي يشافيه و يشفي كل مريض 🤲🏻

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